Slow Cooker Pumpkin Porridge

Slow Cooker Pumpkin Porridge

Autumn is undeniably here with its chilly mornings.  And while I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to smoothies, I have been waking up craving warm cooked breakfasts.  One of my favorite breakfast recipes comes from the incredibly talented Sarah Britton of My New Roots.  She is an absolute genius in the kitchen and I've never tried a recipe of hers that I didn't like.  Her pumpkin pie amaranth porridge is incredible and just what I've been in the mood for lately.

Unfortunately, when I am in a hurry in the morning it can be hard to find time to cook a hot breakfast.  So I decided to make my version of Sarah's pumpkin porridge in a slow cooker.  You don't have to stir constantly or wake up early.  Just throw the ingredients in, turn the slow cooker on, and wake up to a hot healthy breakfast.

For variety and nutrition's sake, I used three types of "grains" for my porridge: amaranth, quinoa, and oat groats.  Amaranth is a grain-like seed that is packed with protein and calcium.  Quinoa is a good source of complete protein as well.  I like to use whole oat groats when possible because they are the least processed form of oats and they are full of soluble fiber.  These three cereals together make for a nutrient packed bowl of porridge.


Makes 6 servings

1/3 cup quinoa

1/3 cup amaranth

1/3 cup oat groats (or steel cut oats)

1 1/2 cup pumpkin puree

2 cups coconut milk

2 cups water

1/8 tsp salt

2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp turmeric

1 vanilla bean, scraped

maple syrup or honey to taste

Put all ingredients in your slow cooker and whisk to remove any chunks.  Turn setting on low and get some sleep.  When you wake, stir porridge and add sweetener of your choice.  Serve with nuts, seeds, fruit, coconut, or yogurt on top.

This makes a large batch.  I recommend making it early in the week and putting leftovers into mason jars so that you have individual portions in the fridge ready to grab and go for the week.  Enjoy!